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Blast, 2014, 3:16 minute, stop-motion video, installation, Culver City, CA, USA. Materials: Ready-made glass bear coin bank, institutional pink antibacterial hand soap, and photographs. The artwork was made within the context of studying at an art school heavily influenced by a consortium of Frankfurt School ideologies. The stop-motion video loops in endless rotation, where the glossy edge of the bear form performs the barrier between the backdrop evocative of nuclear blasting test sites. The quirky and spooky movements of stop-motion, indicated the structures established during WWII are animated and reanimated in an endless loop by the imaginations of viewers today. The suggestion the sanitisation material (antibac soap) would leak out the top, if the bear bank was turned on end hovers as a possibility.


This video and those found on this website are included in the Videokunstarkivet, Oslo, Norway.


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