Bora, 2019, 04:49 minutes, single channel video, a techologised colour spectrum forest with music evocative of commerce videos. Within critiques of contemporary media can curiosity and sincerity in the natural world be invigorated or transferred through digital media? In which aspects of perception does visual phenomena transform to inspiration or cynicism? Can the spectrum of colour and the knowledge of magenta cast being of the mind, revert the mental aspect of the image of natural phenomena closer to the idea or does it become hyperreal and further from the real? The video is part of Virtual Material body of work, intended for exhibition adjacent to Flueressence. This video and those found on this website are included in the Videokunstarkivet, in Oslo, Norway. Special thanks to Atelier Nord. (The video here is presented at low-resolution). As part of the larger body of work: Virtual Material body of work, exploiting photography while engaging in phenomenological subjects based on vision, body, time, and parietal aspects of perception. The Virtual Material body of work includes: Trânsito, Teknovisuell Experience, Souni, Fleuressence, Relatively Dimensional Still-Life, 1919 in 2017, videos, installations, as prints, projections, wall coverings, acrylic prints, garments. Contact: