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ELVELANGS I FAKKELLYS, Oslo, Norway, public installations for autumn 2018 & 2017. Elvelangs is an annual public event for all ages to celebrate the autumnal equinox on a night walk along the river. 2017 Installation at Smelteverket. 2018 dual-site Installation of Vesper Monumenter at Frysja in Nordre Aker Bydel and and Et Dypt Nett at Smelteverket.

VESPER MONUMENTER, 2018, 8 light refracting sculptures and lights with blue photo-gel filters, “Shimmer” video projection. The Vesper Monumenter sculptures reflect twilight hues while the video of background nature is projected on top. The G8 organisation and the way nature gets used on those pillars informed the temporary installation in the darkened landscape. The installation serves as a sketch of a concept for a permanent sculptural arrangement of 8 metal sculptures illuminated from beneath. The Vesper Monumenter is one site of a two-party installation. The second site includes Et dytt nett, or the contents of what one can find on the internet.

SHIMMER, 2018, single-channel video, original musical score. The video draws attention to visions of the background. The flickers of light of this background are emphasized due to the perceptual qualities in human, peripheral vision. Bringing the side-awarenesses of perception into the main focus of Shimmer Makes Light in the Periphery invites viewers to ingest the background and contemplate on often taken for granted forms in the nature of life.

ET DYPT NETT, 2018, 8 mixed-media sculptures with coloured light, Smelteverket, Vulkan Arena.

Installing Et Dyptt Nett
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