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Gordy’s camera straps

Considering much of my work is done through digital interfaces, I often question if I really need to be photographing with film or not. Regardless, I like to maintain a tension of intention,  joy, meditation, and serendipty while working, and the film process gives me that. There is something beyond this romance to working with film, a temporal element of recognising whatever I am using can be passed on. And while the act of photographing can be deeply subjective and self-involved, the element of unselfing is always important to keep in the mix, for me. All to come right back to aesthetics and making sure details work together with the functional elements. Gordy’s Camera straps features their customer’s straps on their blog, including this one of mine. A simple leather strap with my custom colour of choice. Ain’t she a beaut? Some people name their cars (me also) and I’d like to name this friend. Any ideas?

35mm camera up close Gordy camera strap up close

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