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The space between the mind and eyes is wide and deep. What is this space? The space in which perception arises up from? Is it a historical space? One where genetic imprints arise? The conscious and unconscious mind? The dreams and desires? This space contains vast complexity of all of these areas and more. This Vision-Body relationship thinking aims to support others to learn about this dynamic within themselves and amongst each other.


I tend to think the pictures I make are a form of wish fulfilment. Perhaps you feel this as well? The image appears as something within ourselves we wanted. At one point I wanted to move to NYC to be a writer. Other points in life, I wanted to go to California for art school. A photograph made in Chicago could appear to be NYC. These places and things which have become objects and symbols in the mind, or places of meaning making, may originate from reality, but are not reality when we are thinking, dreaming or looking at images about them. In many mental and verbal wrestling matches between myself and other people involved in image making or photography (different activities in with similar concerns), I began to move my personal practice in different direction to explore the perception of the imaginary realm balanced through the subconscious (the body). Imagination and concepts are excellent tools and yet completely useless when dislocated from the relationship to the body. The body, allows for the experience of life. This led me to develop Yoto Studio to bring together practices of imaging and of body.


To dive deeply into the body, into life, the elements that make up the picture…this space of conception between the mind and eyes: the psyche-soma system. This psyche-soma system has a complexity for it is the conscious and unconscious parts of existence. And to draw something up from the depths of the unknown and make it visible within life, allows expanded freedom to choose, to set things that no longer create what you want free, and to forge onward creating what you do want to see in your life everyday.


Photography helps us all learn about ourselves, lives, and world. Deepening the understanding of the complexities of photography involves psychology, social psychology, locus of control and agency to realise ourselves as creators. Everyone can go around snapping pictures, and through deeper study, the practice can be enriched by making pictures. Rooted in this way, photography aids the internal and subconscious to practice creating a life you want to be living. I developed a system of learning called Visual Literacy, for deepening understanding and expanding awareness. If you would like a personal or small group series of learning sessions on this, please email me at:


“Like our eyes, cameras can see and make pictures of everything. You can use the camera, as the poet William Burroughs did, to discover what’s on your mind, even your subconscious. In the process, you might discover ideas you’re more comfortable with or ways of making pictures.”  – Charles Harbutt 

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