Variations on Debussy’s La Mer (C. Debussy, arr. P. Knudsen). Recorded at “Young Researchers Night” at Rockheim, Trondheim, on September 30, 2022. This video and those found on this website are included in the Videokunstarkivet, in Oslo, Norway. As part of the larger body of work: Virtual Material exploiting several aspects of photography while engaging in phenomenological subjects with water, stones, forests, technology, vision, body, perception, ethics, joy, and care. The Virtual Material body of work, exploiting photography while engaging in phenomenological subjects based on vision, body, time, and parietal aspects of perception. The Virtual Material body of work includes: Trânsito, Teknovisuell Experience, Souni, Fleuressence, Relatively Dimensional Still-Life, 1919 in 2017, videos, installations, as prints, projections, wall coverings, acrylic prints, garments. Contact: A version of the video made for Peter Kundsen‘s La Mer performance exhibited August 2024 at Rotvoll Kunstfestivalen with music performed by Peter Knudsen and David Härenstam, and original music by Mari Amman in succession of Out of the Blue.
- Peter Knudsen – piano
- Tuva Halse – violin
- Amund Storløkken Åse – vibraphone
- Mari Amman – video art/scenography
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