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Studio Visits are personalized mentorship, portfolio reviews or more structured consulting focused on your creative projects and ideas. Resourcing international and lived experiences as a professional artist, the offered resources and actionable ideas support individual and project development.


Phone, Video, Walks, In Person:

      • Complimentary 15 minute Consultation
      • 60 – 90 minute sessions 100 – 250us/eu, 1.000 – 2.500nok
      • 20% off multi-sessions 


Mentoring Selections:

      • Structural Dynamics (one-on-one/small groups)
      • Art reviews: photo, painting, sculpture, drawing, design, writing, installation, video (one-on-one)
      • Movement Coaching (one-on-one/small groups)
      • Photowalks (cultivating your vision and understanding perspectives through photography) 
      • Writing and Editing Statements, Presenting and Marketing Your Work (one-on-one/small groups)


Additional à la carte services:

      • Project Editing & Sequence: 500us/eu, 5000nok
      • Portfolio Review, Project Response, Artist Statement, Biography: 300us/eu, 30.000nok
      • Website Consultation or Website Design Packages: 1500 – 8000 us/eu,  15.000-80.000nok


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Feedback on Mentorship and Portfolio Reviews

Mentorship with Mari changed my life. I started going to her when I was in graduate school for fine art in Los Angeles. I was struggling with my studies and art practice, and my whole mind, body, and spirit seemed to be in a rut. I had recently gained a lot of weight during undergrad, and was nor feeling great about myself, which showed in my work. Mari introduced me to a new way of thinking, to live my whole life like art.  She taught me yoga, which I still practice religiously to this day. Mari came to my apartment and examined the contents of my pantry and refrigerator, advising me on what will facilitate reaching my health goals.  She took me shopping and taught me the benefits of unprocessed foods, and then instructed me on how to cook and prepare nutritious, healthy meals, while taking into consideration things like my taste profile. Meditation and mindfulness were keys to unlocking my creative potential, and Mari made me videos to guide me. We discussed art at great lengths, in particular photography. Most of all, her empathetic approach of creating all things with love, but with a critical eye, led me to success. And the success was astounding. Through the merging of a healthy mind, body, and spirit, my artwork blossomed into greatness.  I graduated from art school and received the top award from the faculty.  In the year following school, my weight dropped from 275 pounds to 235. Most important of all, Mari Amman helped me find and love myself.  Through my continued yoga, meditation, healthy eating, and living life like art, I find happiness and inspiration in all I do. Bryan, Houston, TX, USA



I will always remember Mari’s willingness to help me in my time of need.  It takes a very special person to lead in this important work. I admire her energy and organizational abilities. Please accept my sincerest thanks. Emily, Muskoka, Canada



Thank you very much for taking your time to write very valuable review for my photographs. First of all, please accept my sincere apologies for the delay in replying your review which was due to some accidents that happened to me in the last month. I really appreciate with your thoughtful comments and advice on my work. Although I submitted many photographs (maybe too many… I’m sorry!!), you gave me helpful advice in many of them.. that is what I have not expected… I am really grateful for your kindness by doing this. Every comments and information you gave definitely help me to improve both of my skills, presenting my best photographs for each occasion and getting jobs as a photographer. As you pointed out in the comment, I still find some difficulties in choosing ‘the most powerful photos’ for each competition. It may be because my lack of experience for presenting my works to the public and also lack of observations on how the things work in the area of competitions. I really need to study and do more researches over that theme to get better presentation skill. I am very grateful to you for mentioning my strong points in my photography. It encourages me a lot and push me forward to try another competition. Thank you again for taking your time and giving me valuable advice. Hope to see you in another competition. Best regards, Mika




Thank you very much for your valuable comments. I opened your review, just hoping that my photographs are considered meaningful, and now I am so relieved that you are interested in my photographs. I was thrilled and excited while taking these photographs, but I was not sure that these can be accepted by people because of the unique approach of these photographs. Your review gave me enough courage for me to keep working on this series. Thanks so so much. I also could feel your generous support in the review. I am not in contact with the universities(I have not studied photography in the university yet), but if there is any opportunity to expose my photographs to people and there is the places that are interested in my photographs, I am willing to try and challenge myself. I sincerely hope to stay in touch with you. Again, I really appreciate the time and effort for the reviewing of my series. Your review was the valuable gifts to me in the ongoing learning process of photography. Sincerely, Hee Jung Kim



I really thank you for the time you spent reviewing my work! Your advices and recommendations are very useful! THANK YOU!!! (anonymous)



I have received a very encouraging review for my work sent for the portrait awards. It was really nice to see that my work is so thoroughly understood. Thank you in advance, Ploutarcos Haylofts, Greece



Thank you very much for taking the time to not only provide detailed feedback to my questions, but also in offering extended/related advice. Also, wow, thank you very much for the list of sites. I have come across 2 or 3, but I feel it would have taken at year plus to have found the remainig sites. Again, thank you!  Josh



I would like to say a big Thank You. Truly insightful. I felt really inspired after reading. The parallel between goals in advertising (my present job – what do you want your audience to do) and goals in photography – what do you want you audience to see… this is so helpful. I’ll try and craft my point of view, as it appears to be the key of everything! Thanks again, Florian de Lomme



I’m very happy with the review about my series of photos. Thank you very much for your guidance and suggestions. They will certainly enrich my research and photographic achievement of the project. Thank you very much! Marcio



Many thanks for the thoughtful, well-considered review. I have a lot of doubts about this project (whether it is viable/ relevant/ worth pursuing) so it is important and encouraging to hear from someone who spent time looking at the work. It’s interesting to see how you re-ordered the photographs (I had a different idea in mind which — it appears — contrary to what I had imagined, proved illegible/difficult to grasp for someone who does not live in Japan). This is a valuable experience for me. I also very much appreciate your point regarding formats — especially if we look at this particular set of ten photographs (they were selected from a much larger set of verticals and horizontals). For now, once again — many thanks for all your thoughts and comments; they have been very helpful, and yes, of course, I do want to stay in touch. Kind regards, Magda



Many thanks for your thorough and thoughtful critique dear artist. It gives me courage to continue. I’m currently working as an office employee which allows me to shoot what I want, but in my very limited time. I want to have one year to get prepared for doing it professionally, but let’s see what I’ll find this year.



In-depth review! Thank-you for an incredibly thorough critique that will provide helpful information going forward. Professional insights and advice such as provided in this review are invaluable tools in preparing for future submission calls and proposals. As an emerging artists one can only be grateful for such input.



Extremely helpful feedback provides me with both optimism of hope and confirmation that my many years of both time and hard work is essential. Your re-editing the sequence and explanation made perfect sense; definite a ha moment! Encouraging to see you “get it” and acknowledgement that my contemplative “nature” work has a place in the art world. Thanks so much for your thoughts on agents, galleries, etc., plus all the resources provided. Love your advice of “art is the practice of attrition; keep at it, you’ll find your way”. Other than talent, I believe resiliency is a key factor as well.



I would just like to thank you very much for taking the time to write such a detailed and helpful review. It’s really helped to clarify things and point out the different paths I should try pursuing… The suggestions at the end are also really useful and I look forward to exploring. Thanks once again! Suzanne



Thanks for the words of encouragement, I had a moment of my life with health problems and I lost a few years, but now I’m healthy again and recovered with a thousand engine. And I will make the various contacts and proposals you have recommended to me, thank you very much, the work of an artist is difficult and long, but it is what I love and I need to live. Thanks again heartily.



Hello and thanks so much. This project I agree has some work to be done. Your points of view are very much appreciated and in the past few weeks I’ve had time to review the statement alongside the works and also agree that there is a bit of a disconnect between the words, ideas around the work and the work itself. To me this review has helped me answer my own questions that I’ve been asking myself in regard to how this project works as a whole. I realized going in that blending the singular objects or characters with the different formats and very different looking images, full of characters is risky and a bit of a stretch.  I want you to know that I take the observations seriously and can learn from it. Keep up the good work. Cheers! Happy New Year. All best. Steven



Your feedback on my work is very encouraging! Thank you for taking time to consider my work and support my efforts to grow in this part of my research. I appreciate how you considered the information I provided while giving me tools to push the work forward, both in its esthetic development and exposure. I am exceedingly grateful and I am also happy for the other artists who are fortunate to have you review their work as well. Best wishes, G



Suggested Booklist and also on Goodreads. Individual Readings Assigned. 

Sensitive Chaos, Theodore Schwenk

The Body in Pain: The Making and Unmaking of the World, Elaine Scarry

Identity: Why What You Think About Yourself Doesn’t Matter, Robert Fritz and Dr. Wayne Scott Andersen

Your Life As Art, Robert Fritz

The Open Work and Chronicles of a Liquid Society, Umberto Eco

Plato Not Prozac, Lou Marinoff

The Vision of the Anointed: Self-Congratulation as a Basis for Social Policy by Thomas Sowell

The Collected Stories of Lydia Davis, Lydia Davis

On Being Blue, William H. Gass

The Fatal Conceit, F.A. Hayek

The Eternal Moment, Estelle Jussim

Formless: A User’s Guide, Yve-Alain Bois and Rosalind E. Krauss

Anti-Oedipus: Captialism and Schizophrenia, Gilles Deleuze

Discipline and Punishment: The Birth of the Prison, Michel Foucault

The Art of the Personal Essay: An Anthology from the Classical Era to the Present, Phillip Lopate

Power/Knowledge: Selected Interviews and Other Writings 1972-77,  Michel Foucault

Madness and Civilization: A History of Insanity in the Age of Reason, Michel Foucault

Hegel’s Phenomenology of Spirit: A Commentary Based on the Preface and Introduction by Werner Marx

Subculture: The Meaning of Style, Richard Dick Hebdige

The Wisdom of Insecurity: A Message for an Age of Anxiety, Alan A. Watts

Dialectic of Enlightenment: Philosophical Fragments, Theodor W. Adorno

The Society of the Spectacle, Guy Debord

Illuminations: Essays and Reflections, Walter Benjamin

Mythologies, Roland Barthes

Camera Lucida: Reflections on Photography, Roland Barthes

The Death of the Author, Roland Barthes

Social Psychology, Saul Kassin

C.G. Jun and Hermann Hesse: A Book of Two Friendships, Miguel Serrano

Photography: A Cultural History, Mary Warner Marien

Art and Culture: Critical Essays, Clement Greenberg

The Work of Art in the Age of Its Technological Reproducibility, & Other Writings on Media, Walter Benjamin

Ways of Seeing, John Berger

The Book of Questions, Pablo Neruda

A Field Guide to Getting Lost, Rebecca Solnit

A Guide for the Perplexed, Ernst F. Schumacher

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