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Original draft by Mari Amman and Jason Falkenburg 2023, updated by Mari Amman 2024.


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PROSJEKT-CELLF, 2024, 03:11 minute, single-channel video with stereo audio, created at Atelier Nord Studio. This video and those on this website are in the Videokunstarkivet, in Oslo, Norway. Contact:


Endoplasmatic reticulum ( en · dow · plaz · muhk  –  ruh · ti · kyoo · luhm)
is a space for inner working
as a cellular compartment
where webbed networks
promote proteins
(forged) with amino acids


Metastases (Muh · ta · stuh · seez)
are promoted
by dynamic structures invading tissues
continually generated
and destroyed
these forms are also called
focal adhesions
producing faster movements
than those in healthy cells


Lysosomes (lai · suh · sowmz)
pathogens and damaged cellular parts
these dynamic vesticles
perform as stomachs
altered in function
by cancer cells
for reasons yet to be


#Terminal #Velocities #Cellular #Movements #Webs #Synthesis #Networks #Compartments #Dynamic #Digestion #Proteins #AminoAcids #Focal #Adhesions #Damage #Health #Cancer #Kreft #ArtisticResarch The video is part of the Virtual Material body of work, exploiting photography while engaging in phenomenological subjects based on vision, body, time, and parietal aspects of perception. Virtual Material includes: Trânsito, Teknovisuell Experience, Souni, Fleuressence, Relatively Dimensional Still-Life, 1919 in 2017, videos, installations, as prints, projections, wall coverings, acrylic prints, garments. Contact:


Microscopy image of a cancer cell. Green: intracellular adhesion. Magenta: focal adhesions. Courtesy of Progida Lab.

Bone cancer cell in 3D, focal adhesions (feet) and endoplasmic reticulum are visible.






Work completed thanks to the Progida lab at IBV with Cinzia Progida and Jonathan Townsen:

      • Jonathan provided video files and images of microscopic images for Amman to edit at Atelier Nord, 2024
      • Łukasz Sabat recorded audio 14 Oktober 2024, UiO lab, Kristine Bonnevies Hus with Amman, research team leader Cinzia Progida, and postdoctoral researcher Jonathan Townson
      • The ways the chemistry of the cellular forces can be realized in space will be exposed with the multimedia artwork and opening night performance. Cells have no eyes to see, therefore the multimedia installation will ‘imagine’ detailed organelle regulations during movement, checked against Cinzia and Jonathan’s research to ensure fact-based art work.
      • Movements/forces within the cells’ key features, i.e, organelle structures, DNA, nucleus will be investigated using state-of-the-art microscopes by the research team.
      • Use the exhibition space as an inside “mapping” experience. Movement/forces emphasized as key focus areas, interpretive dance and music is considered to be choreographed/performed by Amman/Sabat
      • Auditory components convey movement/force. Movements/sounds will be based on Jonathan and Cinzia’s “mapping” methods and tools. Jonathan looks for innovative tools to answer questions. Cinzia looks at ways research fits into the bigger picture answering research questions.
      • Amman worked at Atelier Nord’s editing suite 28 October – 3 November 2024, with musician Łukasz Sabat to work on the audio-video component of the multi-disciplinary work, installed as part of the Suspended Planes installation at TEKS (Trondheim Elektronisk Kunstsenter), September – October 2025. Amman works with Daidda Galleri and Atelier Nord (Grünnerløka), Vasli Souza FotoGalleri (Ullevål), the Italian-Cultural Institute to continue growing relations between US, Norway, Italy, and potentially Iceland. Additional exhibitions and screenings can include but are not limited to The Kreftforening, Oslo, NTNU, Meta Morph Biennalen.
      • We understand no fees can be collected on the video-art because the research materials have to remain open source.





Mari Amman’s lifelong, multidisciplinary artwork results in international performances, photography, videos, sculptures, paintings, and installations. Inspired by being raised near a nuclear power plant, industrial agriculture, ancestral heritage to Swedish-Bavarian, Ellen Ammann (human and women’s rights political activist), Swedish artist Harriet Sundström, and Italian ancestors founded Hubbard Street Dance in Chicago, Amman developed her artistic research on resonances through her own personal history with immunology and decades of skill development in the arts, to share grow public knowledge and interest in biology, violence (domestic/geopolitical), built environments, and human relationships with resources and technology. Her open and in-depth approach combines her polymath background in music, dance, interior design, textile, writing, poetry, and visual arts. The Cellf, Real Art project, can help save lives, by deepening empathy and understanding for the mind-body connection. Academically, she completed with honours, a Bachelor of Fine Art in Advertising/Interior Design, Illinois Institute of Art (2006), Master Fine Art with Frankfurt School Theory/Conceptual Studio Practice at Otis College of Art and Design in Los Angles (2015), both NOKUT accepted in 2015, after she moved to Norway. Her work was awarded 1st by the jury in the Imaging New Eurasia Exhibition in  South Korea. She completed residencies, exhibitions, and developed artistic research methodologies on imaging technology, A.I., psychology, and mythology in Switzerland, France, USA, Italy, Mexico, and Norway including AWMAS in Santa Barbara, California and Kjerringøy Land Art, Norway (2020). Her Le Lapin journal cultivated a diverse, public audience.


Łukasz Sabat is a vocalist, multi instrumentalist, live -loop artist, DJ. He plays Armenian duduk, alto saxophone, hulusi, sopilka-bas, flutes, all kinds of pipes. He combines traditional sounds with electronics. From 2016, he is a member and co-founder of the INSZA duo. 2022 Sounds of wind instruments, throat singing and sounds inspired by nature w: Film RÓJ. 2024 Polish Audio Community. He lives and works in Asker, Norway.


Jason Falkenburg’s anthropology, curating background informed his expertise in concept development, exhibition making, and academic research. After completing a Bachelor of Art in Archaeology (2011) and Master of Museum Studies in Anthropology/Archaeology (2013) at University of Leiden, Master of Research in Social Anthropology (2015) at University of Aberdeen, and a PhD in Museum Studies, History, and Contemporary Archaeology from (2019), he focused on exhibitions related to ecology, climate change, and natural history. He curated exhibitions, developed projects for museums and heritage institutions in Amsterdam (NL), Bergen, Oslo, Tromsø (NO), Aarhus, Copenhagen (DK), Uppsala (SE), and Jedda (SA). Falkenburg is currently completing a postdoc at The Hauge in The Netherlands.



Microscopy image of a cancer cell. 
Green: intracellular adhesion. Magenta: Focal adhesions. Courtesy of Progida Lab.


Microscopy image of a cancer cell, Courtesy of Progida Lab.










error: Contact artist for permissions.